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What are eBooks?
An electronic book (variously, e-book, eBook, digital book, smart book or even e-edition) is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and produced on, published through, and readable on computers or other electronic devices with or without Internet connectivity.
What do I need to read africlearn eBooks?
You would need a Computer or a Smart phone/ Tablet (Android or iOS) to read our eBooks. Using our mobile apps, the eBooks can be accessed offline as well (eBooks need to be downloaded before)
Where can I find the eBook I am looking for?
Our eBooks are conveniently catalogued on our website ( under different sections, just choose your section and click through to the book of your choice using our easy-to-use navigation. You can also search for an eBook by title, publisher or Subject code.
How do I buy an eBook from
Once you have found an eBook that you like, click on the "Buy Now" button - the eBook is now added to your cart. You can either continue shopping for other items or complete the checkout process after that. If you are not logged in, the system will prompt you to sign in at this point. If you do not have a registered account, you can create one right then and proceed to payment.
How do I pay for the eBooks?
Payments are made through a secure electronic billing system. You can choose any of the standard online payment methods such as debit card, credit card or net banking Go to Cart.
How do I read the eBooks?
Click on the “Dashboard” section and navigate to library tab. All the books that you purchased will be listed over here. Click on "Read Now” and start reading your book.
Can I print the books?
No, our eBooks are designed to be read only on a PC, Mobile or a Tablet - allowing you to read the eBooks anywhere, anytime without having to carry a lot of books around. We currently do not have an option to print out these papers. However, you would be able to perform typical paper-based activities like highlighting text and writing notes on the eBook itself.
For New user registration (Website)
  1. Visit
  2. Click Sign-up pane in the top right of the page.
  3. Enter your name, email ID, mobile number.
  4. Enter password in the space provided and click submit.
  5. You can change the password as per your wish, upon successful login in to your account.
For purchasing eBooks
  1. Visit
  2. Choose a book of your choice after search.
  3. Click details button to know more about table of contents
  4. Click “Buy Now” button and view the cart for details of book or books added to your cart.
  5. Click on the “Cart” icon to check if all the books have added. You may add or remove the eBooks as per your interest and click on “Check Out” to proceed to the payment.
  6. Click “Proceed to Pay” button to eBooks to purchase the eBooks.
  7. Upon completion of successful payment, your book(s) will be added into your personal library.
    • If the eBook is not added to your account after success full purchase or transaction. Please wait for at-least 12 hours.
    • In the case of transactional failure, please write to us to with the failed transaction ID.
  8. Keep your transaction ID safe for future reference.
I am School / Universtiy and I want register with AfricLearn. What should I do?
You need to contact  to get the valid School/University AfricLearn account if you want to view the facilities available for School / University login. However, if you want to just view a sample eBook in the africlearn store. You can follow the New users registration which has provision to view only the eBooks.
I am Vice-Chancellor or School Principal and I want to register with AfricLearn.?
You need to contact to get the valid Vice-Chancellor or School Principla AfricLearn account if you want to view the facilities for Vice-Chancellor and Principal. However, if you want to just view a sample eBook in the africlearn store. You can follow the New users registration which has provision to view only the eBooks.
How do I read ebook and take assessment in offline mode?
You can read ebooks and take assessments using the Free AfricLearn Apps. AfricLearn apps are available for iOS, Android and Windows PC / Laptop.
Android users can download and install the AfricLearn app from Google PlayStore. They can also download the app from the following link. Once the app is downloaded to your Android device, follow the new user registration process and sign-up for an AfricLearn account. Then, login to your account, purchase a book of your choice and download the same into your app and read it offline.